Redpath Photos Covid Safety
We want to reassure you that we are taking every precaution possible to welcome you to the studio and that we operate in a Covid safe manner.
We are committed to your safety
We are all living in challenging times and it is you our customer that makes us get up every day with a real passion for what we do.
We thought you would like to know what we at Redpath Photos are doing to make the studio a safe place for you and your family to have your portraits taken.
As members of The Master Photographers Association, we have signed up to operate under their Covid-19 Protocol
To ensure we can provide a safe environment for our customers we have reduced the number of clients we would normally see in a day by 50% thus giving us enough time between sessions to carry out a thorough deep cleanse.
- All props are steamed cleaned
- All floors are mopped with industrial strength bleach
- All surfaces and door handles are wide down
- All seats are wiped down and steam cleaned
Your arrival at the studio.
We request that you remain in your car if a yellow Covid sign is displayed in front of our reception. Just tap your horn once so that we are aware that you have arrived. This might happen if we have a customer making an unscheduled pick up of their pictures for example.
We request you do not arrive by taxi due to the risk of customers overlapping.
We have two QR codes which are linked to the NHS Track and Trace displayed which you can scan on your phone if you wish.
Face Masks
We ask you to wear a Facemask in our reception at the beginning and end of the session I will be doing the same.
During the portrait session, I will remove and put it back on as required, as children and babies need to see a face
During the Portrait Session
The barn is naturally ventilated and because of its size, we can socially distance.
The MPA Covid-19 Protocol
We have signed up to observe the recommendations from the Master Photographers Association and below is a copy of the policy.

The precautions we are taking at Redpath Photos
We follow the Government guidelines and when we are allowed to open we will be here for you.
As a responsible business, we are doing everything possible to protect you and your family.
We have also signed up to and adhere to the MPA Covid-19 protocol.
We allow lots of time between the portrait sessions for us to carry out a thorough cleaning of the studio.
Will my voucher expire?
Vouchers will normally have had to have been used within twelve months of purchase.
But in the current situation, we will, of course, extend that for you if you have let us know – 01494 549944
What should I do about the booking I have made?
If you are uncertain about anything then please give us a call on 01494 549944.
We know these are strange times and you may be wondering what is the right thing to do.
We are operating in a safe manner but if you feel you would rather not have your photoshoot at this moment in time, because you are self-isolating or unsure we can, of course, reschedule for you.
I have a Newborn Portrait session booked
We look forward to greeting your little one but understand you being very cautious. Rest assured we are doing everything we can to ensure you and your newborns’ safety.
We are limiting the number of people who come into the studio each day giving us time to clean everything and I mean everything in between sessions.
The studio we operate in is a barn studio with plenty of natural ventilation